During my shooting time at NAF El Centro, we’d heard that some jets from VFA-204 “River Rattlers” were operating out of NAS North Island in San Diego.

I’m always up for shooting something different, so I didn’t need much persuasion to endure the four-hour round-trip from El Centro.

© Paul Filmer - globalaviationresource.com

It was a nice day, so shooting from the beach was no hardship, and it wasn’t long before our drive was rewarded with a C-130T operated by VR-53 from JRB Andrews, a unit that I’ve never seen before.

© Paul Filmer - globalaviationresource.com

It wasn’t long before a pair of F/A-18As returned from a mission overhead, and yes the River Rattlers had arrived. They both flew a pretty wide circuit and landed straight on to us, without even providing a hint of a topside opportunity.

© Paul Filmer - globalaviationresource.com

Again this is a unit that I’d never shot before, well not in this striking scheme anyway. I’d shot a single grey example at Roswell years ago.

© Paul Filmer - globalaviationresource.com

A single VFA-204 jet came into view, and thankfully gave us the angle we were looking for. Who said you can’t get anything from chasing jets?

© Paul Filmer - globalaviationresource.com

We didn’t shoot much, but quality over quantity I’d say.