On Wednesday 5th April the skies around Lydd (London Ashford) Airport in Kent reverberated to the sound of some unusual visitors when a flight of six US Army Boeing CH-47F Chinooks passed through. Chris Wood was in the area and popped along for GAR.

The six Chinooks of ‘EASY’30’ flight approach Lydd’s runway © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource

Six Chinooks on the ground at Lydd © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource
The Chinooks were from Bravo Company of the ‘Iron Knights‘ 2nd Battalion of the 501st Aviation Regiment (2-501 AVN), part of the ‘Iron Eagles’ Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) of the ‘Old Ironsides’ 1st Armored Division (1AD). Normally based at Biggs Army Airfield at Ft Bliss in El Paso, Texas, they were part of the aviation rotation of Atlantic Resolve, the deployment of ready, combat-credible US forces to Europe. They had deployed in August 2022 by sea via the port of Esbjerg in Denmark. This rotation saw approximately 2,300 personnel, 10 CH-47F Chinooks, 25 AH-64 Apaches, 30 UH-60 Blackhawks and 15 HH-60 Blackhawks of 1AD CAB deployed to Europe.

Most of the aircraft wore the 1st Armored Division ‘Old Ironsides’ badge on the nose © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource

One aircraft required some maintenance © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource
The aircraft were believed to be on their way to Ireland to support a visit by President Joe Biden to Belfast and Dublin the following week. An ADSB trace showed ‘EASY30’ flight departing Illesheim in Germany and routing through Belgium on their way to Lydd. The aircraft all carried internal tanks to increase their range.

A Chinook being refuelled © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource
After refuelling they departed in formation and routed along the south coast, with many reported sightings, and even making some local news reports. They then headed inland, passing west of Yeovil before touching down at Cardiff, where they nightstopped.

CH-47F dwarfing the resident HM Coastguard AW189 © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource

Most traffic at Lydd is somewhat smaller than a Chinook! © Chris Wood – Global Aviation Resource
For more information on 1AD’s CAB see:
Instagram: 1adcab
Facebook: Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Armored Division, Fort Bliss